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SPICES, School of Medical Sciences  |  Health Campus, USM

Scapula and adjacent soft tissue

Spices No: M1178/99B

A fairly circumscribed soft tissue mass, exhibiting a gray-white cut surface abutting the scapula bone. No hemorrhage or necrosis is seen.

  • Partly infiltrative margin
  • Spindle-shaped cells are arranged in long sweeping fascicles.
  • No nuclear pleomorphism
  • The background is collagenised.
  • There are a few blood vessels in between the fascicles.

Musculoaponeurotic fibromatosis

Sejenis ketumbuhan bukan kanser daripada tisu lembut yang agak agresif, boleh menembusi tulang dan agak susah untuk di buang sepenuhnya melalui pembedahan.