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SPICES, School of Medical Sciences  |  Health Campus, USM

The exhibit displays well circumscribed and thinly encapsulated lobulated mass. It shows homogenous yellowish cut surface.

Lipoma is composed of lobules of mature univacuolated adipocytes. Minimal fibrous septae can be observed. Atypical hyperchromatic stromal cell should not be present.


Penerangan kasar: Spesimen menunjukkan ketumbuhan yang mempunyai kapsul nipis dibahagian paling luar. Permukaan ketumbuhan ini adalah berwarna kekuningan.

Penerangan histopatologi: Di bawah mikroskop, lipoma terdiri daripada sel lemak yang matang dimana hanya terdapat univacuolated sitoplasma dengan nukleus kecil terletak di tepi sel.

Diagnosis: Lipoma