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SPICES, School of Medical Sciences  |  Health Campus, USM

The exhibit shows a circumscribed mass, covered by thin fascia.  It has brownish solid with variegated cut-surface.

Rhabdomyosarcoma histologically shows admixture of atypical rhabdoid, epithelioid and spindle-shaped cells displaying skeletal muscle differentiation in background of myxoid stroma. They are loosely arranged and haphazardly orientated. Some of them show cross striations. The cells show marked nuclear pleomorphism having enlarged hyperchromatic to vesicular nuclei, prominent macronucleoli and moderate pale to deeply eosinophilic cytoplasm.

M128 82 histodesc




Penerangan kasar: Rhabdomyosarcoma atau kanser tisu yang menyerupai daging otot mempunyai warna merah gelap.

Penerangan histopatologi: Rhabdomyosarcoma terdiri daripada sel-sel barah yang mempunyai bentuk atypical rhabdoid, epithelioid dan spindled. Sel-sel ini tersusun tidak padat dan menunjukkan saiz dan bentuk nukleus yang pleomorphic/ tidak seragam dan pelbagai. Antara karakter utama adalah sel barah jenis ini mempunyai jalur lintang menyerupai sel otot rangka.

Diagnosis: Rhabdomyosarcoma