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SPICES, School of Medical Sciences  |  Health Campus, USM

The exhibit displays a solid tumour occupying the whole testis with. It show homogenous tan-yellowish glistening surface. Nephroblastoma are usually solitary, rounded, multinodular masses and sharply demarcated from the adjacent renal parenchym by a peritumoural fibrus pseudocapsule.

Seminoma shows tumour cells with characteristically pale to clear cytoplasm and polygonal nuclei. They are often arranged in sheet and lobules with lymphocytes infiltrates.


Penerangan kasar: Spesimen menunjukkan ketumbuhan pejal yang mengisi seluruh testis. Ia menunjukkan permukaan homogen yang berkilat berwarna coklat kekuningan. Nefroblastoma (barah ginjal) biasanya padat, berbentuk bulat dan bersisik bersebelahan dengan parenkim ginjal yang berdekatan oleh pseudokapsul serat peritumoral.