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SPICES, School of Medical Sciences  |  Health Campus, USM


gel separator tube

Sample type : serum

Type of anticoagulant or additive and chemical basis :

  • No anticoagulant or additive
  • Has separating gel and clot activator


Applications in chemistry testing:

  • Renal function test
  • Liver function test
  • Endocrine test (Thyroid function test, hormones)
  • Tumour marker

Sample type : serum

Type of anticoagulant or additive and chemical basis :



Applications in chemistry testing:

  • Renal function test
  • Liver function test
  • Endocrine test (Thyroid function test, hormones)
  • Tumour marker
Heparinized tube

Sample type : Plasma

Type of anticoagulant or additive and chemical basis :

  • Anticoagulant: Sodium/lithium Heparin - Inhibit thrombin


Applications in chemistry testing:

  • Urgent Test
Sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate tube

Sample type : Plasma

Type of anticoagulant or additive and chemical basis :

  • Anticoagulant: potassium oxalate
  • Preservative: sodium fluoride
  • Antiglycolytic agent: sodium fluoride


Applications in chemistry testing:

  • Glucose
EDTA tube

Sample type : Whole Blood

Type of anticoagulant or additive and chemical basis :

  • Anticoagulant: ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) - chelate calcium ions


Applications in chemistry testing:

  • HbA1c
  • ACTH
Heparinized syringe

Sample type : Whole Blood

Type of anticoagulant or additive and chemical basis :

  • Heparin to inhibit trombin


Applications in chemistry testing:

  • Blood gases
Universal container

Sample type : Urine / Body Fluid

Type of anticoagulant or additive and chemical basis :

  • Nil


Applications in chemistry testing:

  • Urinalysis/UFEME
  • Body fluid analysis